March 2025 Newsletter

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This month at Jolt

The Open is Here!

For the next three weeks, we’re throwing down together for the CrossFit Open! Join us on Saturday mornings, March 1st, 8th, and 15th at 8:30 AM as we take on the workouts, push our limits, and cheer each other on!

We’ve already got 20 members signed up, and there’s still time to get in on the action before tomorrow’s workout!

Register here:


Congrats to everyone who made it into the February HIGH VOLTAGE CLUB!

The randomly selected February Giveaway Winner of a $25 Gift Card is Andy Kaufman!

Jolt Merch Store

We’ve added some new options to the Merch Store, including zip-up hoodies! If anyone has designs they’d like to add to the store, please email them to!

Click here to shop now!

March Birthdays

Cord Schlobohom
Maya Kish
Gagan Tayal


March Member of the Month
Jon Kish

When did you start CrossFit?

I first started CrossFit in 2012.

Why CrossFit? Did you do any other sports in the past?

I played team sports my whole life and as I got older I started to really miss it. I missed both the competition and the comradery that comes with being on a team. On top of that, I could feel myself getting out of shape and I felt like something was really missing from my life.

Thankfully a friend asked me to drop into a CrossFit class because they felt like that would provide me with a little bit of everything I was missing. And they were right! Crossfit filled all those voids for me. Showing up to grind through workouts with the fam and having awesome coaches to push us and keep us going gave me everything I needed and more!  

What is your favorite movement?

My favorite movements are push press & pull ups.

Do you have a goal that you want to accomplish this year?

I have had the same running goals for a few years now, so hopefully this year I can get them. I really want to be better at double unders, but my main goal is to someday get a muscle up. An added bonus would be a bench over 200#s.

Would you rather do 100 Wall Balls or 100 burpees?

Most definitely 100 wall balls over burpees any day.

Thanks for being such a great member of the Jolt Family!


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Get Started

Fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to schedule your FREE No-Sweat Intro!

Get Started

We’d love to learn more about your fitness goals before recommending the right membership for you.

Come in for a FREE No-Sweat Intro, meet the coaches, and explore the gym.

No pressure—just a chance to see if we’re the right fit for your goals.


If you’re a CrossFitter from out of town and would like to drop-in, fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to reserve your class!

Drop-In Rate: $20 Per Class

Get Started

Fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to get your 3x/Week Membership started!

Get Started

Fill out the form below and we’ll reach out to get your Unlimited Membership started!